Maramia Ecological Design

Restoring relationships between land and people on the frontlines of climate change.

Registration open


Registration open 〰️

Permaculture Design Course

(Hybrid: Online/Portugal)

Join us as we integrate the original core content with context for its application in humanitarian work and climate change mitigation from our 12+ years working alongside NGOs/IGOs.

Our approach

We are a group of ecological educators, designers, and sustainability consultants focused on holistic systems thinking and client-tailored programs with a scientific foundation.

12+ years of experience partnering with NGOs, IGOs, and farmers globally


In-person and hybrid options

We adapt our services to best fit the needs of your community.

Our services

  • Education

  • Design

  • Sustainability Consultation

Meet our team

  • Ruaa Ahmad

  • Kayla Hatcher


Permaculture Demonstration Sites and Training in Iraq

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Consultation for International Organization in Iraq

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Teaching Urban Permaculture to German Students

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Permaculture Design Certification Course in Kurdistan

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Submit an inquiry, today.