Guided Participatory Learning


Our courses will emphasize a Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) approach creating a space for knowledge sharing and kinetic learning.


Adapting to diverse lifestyles, our courses will be offered in online, hybrid, or in-person capacities based on what is best for the topic matter.


We will provide micro-courses and certification courses. Certification courses will highlight permaculture design, trainer of trainers, and wastewater management. Micro-courses will focus on topics that are pertinent to the current climate, including growing in crowded spaces, disaster preparedness, regenerative animal systems, and soil remediation.


It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a Permaculture Design Certification course but need experienced teachers. Maybe you want a hybrid trainer of trainers course for your team. Or maybe you have a creative course to share with the world. Let’s collaborate bringing your vision to reality with our team of experienced educators!

Permaculture Design Certification Course (HYBRID: ONLINE / PORTUGAL)
to Apr 2

Permaculture Design Certification Course (HYBRID: ONLINE / PORTUGAL)

Our hybrid model allows you to join calls from the comfort of your home and then meet your fellow participants on a Permaculture site in Portugal for the final practical modules of the course.

This Permaculture Design Course will cover the 72-hour course designed by Mollison and Holmgren. In addition, we will discuss Permaculture in the context of humanitarian work and climate change mitigation drawing on our 12+ years of experience in the NGO/IGO sector. These focus topics address the most pressing challenges of our time and draw from our practical experiences in countries riddled with the consequences of a changing climate and environmental damage. Other focuses include Urban Permaculture and rainwater harvesting.

We take a guided participatory learning approach to understanding holistic systems and the opportunity they present in addressing current environmental challenges on the micro and macro scale.


Meet your instructors

Ruaa Ahmad

Ruaa has worked on several Permaculture projects in Iraq, supporting site assessments and design, and co-teaching more than 450 farmers, women, agricultural students, and others on regenerative agriculture, permaculture, and urban design. She also taught Permaculture as an assistant lecturer at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences.

Ruaa holds a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Heidelberg, Germany. She has been working as an environmental consultant for more than seven years. Her experience spans providing technical and scientific expertise, project management, and teaching for a wide variety of clients from industry, NGOs, IGOs, and academic institutions.

She holds a Permaculture Design Certificate from Geoff Lawton (Greening the Desert, Jordan) and a Permaculture Teachers Training Certificate from Warren Brush and Istvan Markuly (Eletfa Permakultura, Hungary).


Kayla Hatcher

Kayla has worked in the NGO sector domestically (USA) and internationally for over 10 years with a strong focus on ecological design, environmental education, and Permaculture. Her experience spans multiple climates (tropics, subtropics, Mediterranean, semi-arid, and monsoonal) with an emphasis on edible plants and rainwater harvesting.

Her experience brings a vast understanding of the needs and challenges of underresourced communities, refugees, and youth growing up in regions exposed to environmental degradation, systemic inequalities, and conflict.

She holds a Permaculture Design Certificate from The Permaculture Institute (USA), a Training of Teachers Certificate from The Permaculture Association (UK) in conjunction with Permaculture for Refugees, and a Water Harvesting Design Certification from Watershed Management Group in conjunction with Brad Lancaster.



Oct 5 & 19

Nov 2, 16, 30

Dec 14

Jan 4, 18

Feb 1, 15, 22

Mar 8

PORTUGAL (in-person)

(29 March arrival to site)

30 March - 2 April


€1000 Hybrid PDC


Cost excludes housing, meals, and transit. Lunch will be provided on-site in Portugal. Camping space (RV or tent) is free on-site in Portugal.

Payment Timeline

You can choose below to make the full payment now, make a 50% payment, or reserve your spot with pay later. An email will be sent following your registration with further details.

50% (€500 / $542.50) due by August 31st

100% (€1000 / $1,085) due by November 15

100% Payment | PDC (due Nov 15)
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50% Payment | PDC (due by Aug 31st)
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Pay Later | PDC Pre-registration
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